Five Questions to Ponder This Christmas Season (Part I)

Five Questions to Ponder This Christmas Season (Part I)

-Pastor Robbie Cheuvront


As we enter into the season of Advent, I have decided to pose some questions to you. These questions are simple, in nature. But profound in their implications. I will give you three today, and two more later in the week. The purpose of these questions is to cause you to think. Not just about Christmas and how we interact with each other, but how our lives are deeply connected to one another as believers or nonbelievers.

Please, take time to think about your answers. Then if you would, post them so others can interact with you. I pray that during this time, you would find yourself drawn toward the God who gave of Himself, that we may have life.

 Question Number One: Do you believe?

Paul tells us in Romans that the measure of God’s law is written on our hearts, and that our conscience either accuses or excuses us. This text is given so that we may know that there will be no excuse on that great and awesome day of the LORD when Christ returns to judge the living and the dead. We will be accountable to the things of God and the life of Jesus Christ.

 Question Number Two: Does someone who has not put their faith in Christ have a responsibility to care for their fellow man? Will they be judged favorably for doing so?

There are many texts in the Bible that speak of caring for one another. To cite them would take more space than is available here. Suffice it to say, there has been a directive given to man to care for each other. But this directive is given specifically to God’s children. The bible is very clear that our humanly efforts, apart from a life in Christ are like filthy rags in the site of God. So think about that as you answer.

Question Number Three: Should we speak out when people choose to turn the Christmas season/holiday into a more secular event, so as not to offend someone who might hold to different religious beliefs?

Jesus was not someone who avoided conflict. On the contrary, He gave specific instruction for dealing with it. There are numerous accounts within scripture where Jesus challenged authority, pronounced judgment on those who would sway people from the truths of God’s word, and actively engaged them in rebuke. But there were other times too, specifically in the case of the Drachma tax, where Jesus instructed Peter to just pay the tax, so as not to start a conflict. So, where should we land on this?

I am really interested in your take on these questions. Please, if you would like to engage in an intellectual debate over these issues, do so. I will try to respond to everyone’s thoughts and answers. But know this: I will respond to your answers, not from my own thoughts and understandings, but from what God’s word says.


So what say you?

-Robbie Cheuvront